After competing in Saturday, we're preparing our free routine for the next competition. Today we saw the results from National Championship and there was a mistake at awarding ceremony, because according to our result 13.800, we should be on the second place, not on the third. We're really happy to hear that, because we reached our goal and came that high with AGG routine for the first time in Senior category. Once again thanks to everyone for supporting us! Big thanks to our coaches, who also choreographed our routines and was pushing us to the perfection. Also thanks to our parents, who are supporting us on every step and for cheering and filming our routines! Another thanks to our tailor Matevž for beautiful leotards! And the last thank go to our photographer Tea G. for amazing pictures from competitions and our manager Tea K. Š. who was always by our side and helped us on every competition. THANK YOU ALL! <3

Another thing is, that we're inviting you to become our member. All girls from age 13-17 are welcome to come to our training on Friday, May 27 at 16:00. Slovenian version:
Za sezono 2016/2017 vabimo dekleta od 13. do 17. leta starosti, da se nam pridružijo na treningu v petek 27. maja ob 16. uri in se tako lažje odločijo, če se nam bodo pridružila v naslednji sezoni. :)

Don't forget to check our Instagram account and like our pictures!


Priljubljene objave iz tega spletnega dnevnika

31st International Tournament Ljubljana


Performance at PDK