Nationals 2016

Team Voranc with coaches Anja and Hana

 Yesterday on May 14 we competed at the 2016 National Championship in rhythmic and aesthetic group gymnastics, C program. Both teams finished it successfully and we only have one competition left, Nationals in A1 program next weekend. 

Control practice on the carpet and warming up
When the junior category started, junior group with balls performed their routine, it was great, with only few mistakes. Two routines after them competed junior group with hoops, which qualifyed to the final yesterday and they finished on 3rd place. 

Opening ceremony

At around 12:15 started aesthetic gymnastics program. After two categories, we competed in senior category as a first routine. It was also great and our fighting was rewarded with another 3rd place. All the changes we've done was useful and we really enjoyed competing 'Beneath your beautiful' for the last time. Thank you all for supporting us! In the end of the day we received two bronze medals and two cups, so this means both junior rg and senior agg groups are Slovenian national vice-vice champions! :)

All Bleščica teams together received 13 cups! :D
Medal ceremony for aesthetic group gymnastics


Priljubljene objave iz tega spletnega dnevnika

31st International Tournament Ljubljana


Performance at PDK