Second Championship Competition

Last Saturday, April 21st, we competed at the Second Championship Competition of Group compostitions. The competiton for A program was held early in the morning, so the A1 program was sooner than usual. It pleased us, because our member had the prom date on the same day. 

As we have already said in previous posts, last month we were facing injuries and illnesses, so we wern't in the best possible way and almost gave up participation in the competitions. We are happy that we didn't, because in spite of the difficulties we managed to achieve a lot.

We were very pleased that our competition part began with a category of exercises with apparatus, that we got rid of the stress of the apparatus as soon as possible. The routine was surprisingly good. Nevertheless, we made some minor mistakes, which were completely unnecessary, but in the end we did not expect such a good ranking. With a score of 4,650 (2,700+1,650+0,300), we were placed on excellent 8th place, which is the highest for us so far.

There were so many groups in both categories (with and without apparatus), so we had 2 long hours between first and second routine. We were so excited to compete with our free routine again, because we just love it so much. Once again, the routine could be much better, but it was also so much better than previous time. Our score got for one point higher, which we were so happy about, but it is still not our best. We can show a lot more and will work so hard to reach our goal. After our performance, we remained in 4th position with the score of 7,300 (3,900+3,400)

After this category, our amazing Sara and Laura - Saura - competed with their ball routine in the category of pairs/triplets. They were on as a number 1 and performed a good routine, but they weren't really satisfied. The execution was much better on the last competition, so we're going to work on this routine too, to improve it. They ended on 2nd place with the score of 5,650 (2,100+3,250)

When we thought that the day was perfectly complete, began the Awarding ceremony. That's when a big surprise happened. In the category of junior/senior group free routines we were called to step on the podium as bronze medalists, which shocked us. At first we thought, that there was a mistake, but then we figured out that one team was disqualified, so  we moved up to the third place. This is officially our first group medal at a national competition of A1 program! We were so happy and thankful, but there's still a lot to improve!


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