31st International Tournament Ljubljana

This weekend Slovenian club for rhythmic gymnastics KRG Narodni dom held the traditional International Tournament ''MTM'' in Ljubljana's Gymnastics center. This year was already the 31st edition of it. Our girls have been attended it for the fourth consecutive year now and it was amazing, as always.

Sara and Maja with Polina Shmatko, Lala Kramarenko
and Sofia Nikeeva from Russia
Since the amazing edition in 2016, when all biggest stars came to compete, we've all been expecting even more amazing gymnasts from all around the world. This year, one of the top gymnasts came to Ljubljana, such as Julia Evchik (Belarus), Alexandra Agiurgiuculese (Italy), Nicol Zelikman (Israel) and Polina Shmatko (Russia) - medalists from the 2016 Junior European Championships in Holon, Natela Bolataeva (Georgia), Anna Sokolova (Russia), Lala Kramarenko (Russia) and others. Among them, of course, were also excellent Slovenian hopes - Aleksandra Podgoršek, Aja Jerman Bukavec and others.

Sara and Maja were volunteers on Saturday, on the first competition day. They were working there from 1 pm until the end of the day, so they have seen Junior and Senior All-Around competition. All of the gymnasts were amazing and it was a pleasure to watch them. The event was well organized, as every year and the atmosphere was great.

Nicol Zelikman, won a convincing victory among the seniors, after being the only one without major mistakes in all four apparatus. In the junior competition, first place was won by Russian representative Lala Kramarenko, the two-time (2017, 2018) Russian Junior National Champion, currently the leading junior in Russia and the candidate for the Junior European Championships held in June this year in Spain.
The awarding ceremony at 8 pm was followed by making memories - photos and chats with the favourite gymnasts. The tournament was amazing and we're already looking forward to next year!

Sara, Zala and Maja with Alexandra Agiurgiuculese (ITA)
With the winner of Senior AA, Nicol Zelikman (ISR)
With silver medalist in Senior - Anna Sokolova and in Junior Category - Anna Strashko
With Julia Evchik (BLR) - bronze medalist in Senior AA

 With Aja Jerman Bukavec and Aleksandra Podgoršek


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Performance at PDK