Regionals 2018

In Saturday, April 14th, our club traditionally organized the Regional Championship in rhythmic and aesthetic gymnastics of C program. The competition was very nice and the atmosphere was very good! In the morning there was a competition for younger categories - girls and pre-juniors. At 14:30 the competition started for older categories - juniors and seniors. 

At first, Saura performed their pair routine for A1 program, which was a general training for them, because the next Saturday we're continuing the race at the 2nd Championship Competition. The routine was very well performed and the audience really enjoyed it!

In the category of pre-juniors were 25 groups competing with apparatus. Voranc 1 competed with balls and placed 6th. Voranc 2 made a mistake and landed on 11th place. Both teams made it to the first half, so they successfully qualified to the National Championships in May.

Seniors went to the competition with good thoughts because they had only a goal: to do a good exercise. Because the ball routine is made for A1 program, we did not expect a good result, but only a chance for qualifying to the National Championship. Despite the fact that last week we were facing the injuries and illnesses and almost gave up participating in the competition, we carried out the exercises well. Ball routine had 4 mistakes - only 2 of them were big - that's why we didn't expect good score.

We were really surprised at the Victory ceremony when they announced us for second place! It was just a shock for us, because it didn't make sense, but we were so happy. We received 11,200 (TV 5,000 EX 5,900 B 0,300), only 0,03 away from first place. There were 14 teams in this category, so 7 of them qualified to Nationals. Congratulations to everyone - especially to the medalists! :)

One hour later started the category of Seniors in Aesthetic group gymnastics. There were 7 teams competing, but all of them qualified to the National Championship. Once again, we weren't expecting anything, just hoping to make a good routine. It was solid, but we made few bigger mistakes, which costed us few points. We placed 4th with the score of 13,500 (TV 4,330 EX 6,500 AV 2,570 B 0,100), which was amazing, but we could do better.

In the end we made a surprise for our main coach and the owner of our club - Petra, who is celebrating 30 years of coaching in this sport. It was a really nice part of the competition and we're so happy we took part in it.

So, the first competition of the C program in this season is successfully completed and we are looking forward to the next one, which will be held on May 12 in Dobrova near Ljubljana. There's still a lot of work to do until the Nationals, but we're already looking forward to show the improvement. 


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