Slovenian Cup 2018

Here it is! The 2018 season was officially opened today! Senior group competed with apparatus today at the first competition in 2018 - Slovenian Cup. The competition was short, with only two categories - groups with hoops and groups with other apparatus.

We arrived two hours before the start and as usually, did our make-up and hair-styles. We were practicing ball routine for the last two weeks all the time, so we were well prepared for this competition. 

We managed to perform two very good routines, above our expectations, so we have proven that we are able to show it the way we have to. It was an a second chance competition, because if you failed the first routine, you had a chance to make the other one better and only the best result counted.

The first routine was good with few bigger drops, but no disaster. The elements were well executed and the choreography was clean. We got a score of 2,533 for it, which was low, but good for a routine like that. The second routine was much better, the mistakes weren't so obvious and horrible. The whole routine was clean and the elements were good. For this one we got a score of 3,483, so our total score was 6,016. In the end we placed second, with only two groups in a category, so it was more important for us, to perform well, which we did. 

Group photo with Bleščica teams
Depending on our previous years, we didn't know, what to expect, so we are very satisfied with the improvement, but we're not on that point we want, yet. We still have six competitions with this routine until the end of the season, so we're working hard to reach our goal!


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