First Championship Competition

Last weekend we opened our competition season in the A1 program. Senior group presented their new free routine for the first time. 

The longest competition of our life started at 15:45. We arrived in the hall at the early hours of 13.00 and prepared our new look. This year's makeup for A1 program competitions is in red with matching red lipstick, which matches our leotards. For the hairstyles we chose buns, because they represent determination and self-confidence.

The peak of the day was, of course, our exercise without the apparatus, which we first presented to the public. We were very pleased with this, and we expected a better ranking than it was at the end. Despite the strenuous last month of preparing and completing the program, we managed to show a clean exercise full of energy. 

In our category competed 12 teams. We performed on the carpet as a penultimate, so we did not catch our score on the screen. At the ceremony we were awarded with 9th place, with which we were not satisfied. Of course, we expected more, but we forgot all the mistakes that the judges could see, despite the fact that our choreography looked great. 

Later we found out that we had a very high technical value, which fulfilled our expectations. What destroyed our result was the execution. We ranked so poorly mostly because of the bigger mistake in cooperation, which cost us 2 points. Despite the disappointment, we now know that we have many more mistakes to fix, and we can take this race as a good teacher. Therefore, we confidently embark on a new month of preparing the routine until the next game. Our final score was 6,300 (D: 3,900 E: 2,400).

Later, we were competing in a Senior category in group exercises with apparatus. This even this did not go well, because we had one ball out of the carpet and many drops, so we were not satisfied with the routine. We still hope that this year we will be able to show a clean exercise or at least exercise with a small number of drops. Our final score was 1,400 (D: 1,700 Pen: 0,300).

At the end of the day we cheered for our pair Saura, who competed in Senior category of duos/triplets managed to get on the podium. They showed a good exercise, with a minor mistake and jump on third place with a rating of 5,800 (D: 1,800 E: 3,700). Congratulations! 


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