
October is almost over and we haven't post a single update yet! :o This can only tell you, that we've been so busy lately, but now we have a little break from trainings because of the holidays. 

First of all, what was even the last post about? Oh right, about the new season. So to refresh everything in our heads... This year we will compete with three routines in two different levels - A1 (or B) and C programme and in two different sports - rhythmic and aesthetic group gymnastics. We have set ourselves high goals for this year, so we hope we're going to make it through and achieve them. 

Aesthetic Group Gymnastics
Honestly, this becoming a really big project this year :D We've thought we won't have to change a lot, but we are working all the time on it and changing things and formations. Again we've changed the number of positions to final 8, but we have 9 gymnasts. So how did we manage that? Two people are practicing the same position, so it kinda works like a reserve gymnasts and we did that because we had problems with presence on trainings.
For the moment, we are satisfied with this decision, but we are changing the routine from the beginning, so we don't know what can happen. Soon we'll post a group photo so you'll meet our members.

Rhythmic Gymnastics
As we already told you, we are preparing NEW routine without apparatus, but everything else about it will stay as a secret for a while now. We received our leotards in the beginning of the month and we are more than satisfied. Once again big thanks to our dressmaker Maja Podvratnik!💜

Sneak peak :D
Our ball routine will remain the same (music and the main choreography). We have had it for a third year now, but we like it so we will only upgrade it for A1 programme which is also one of our goals this year. We really wanted to compete with apparatus in this programme and try new risks. Last year's progress is already visible and we are happy we didn't give up on it after the first year. We'll have practice with our main coach of the club Petra to go through the rules and requierements for routine with apparatus. We don't expect to place so high, but we want to at least try.

Some highlights from trainings :D
The last routine of rhythmic gymnastics is duo/pair with Sara and Laura. The routine will be the same as last year, but it's a goal to learn some harder elements.

So that's it. From now on, we won't be explain this anymore, because it's more than clear now what will this season be about :D Don't forget to add us on Snapchat and Instagram (username @teamvoranc). November should be great, because we'll be finishing our choreographies and start preparing for upcoming performances.


Priljubljene objave iz tega spletnega dnevnika

31st International Tournament Ljubljana


Performance at PDK