The second Championship competition

Last Sunday, on 10th April 2016, Gimnastično društvo Vrhnika organized The second Championship competition or in Slovenian ''2. prvenstvena tekma'' in group exercises. Competition for A program started at 10 am and for A1 program at 12 pm. It was our second time in A1 program and even if it weren't successfull, we're happy, that we had a chance to show our 'famous' Golden Boy routine again.

Before we went on the competition floor
We competed first out of seven groups. Difficulty was lower than we expected and the routine wasn't the best we've done. Senior group with free routine finished 7th with 7.517 points. First place was won by KŠRG Šiška with 11.150 points, DŠRG Branik Maribor ended on 2nd place with 10.483 and GD Vrhnika on 3rd with 10.317 points. 

Our Senior Group Zala competed with apparatus and finished on third place with 8.200 points. Congratulations coaches!

Our Junior pair Saura made a very good routine, but with one drop, which gave them fourth place with 6.983 points. 

Sara and Laura with Nina photobombing in the back :D

Mia, Maja and Ana after the competition
ŠK Bleščica and coaches from ŠD Sokol Bežigrad Zala
Group selfie with Bleščica and Zala teams :)


Priljubljene objave iz tega spletnega dnevnika

31st International Tournament Ljubljana


Performance at PDK