New Year's Performance

Since holidays are here, we have a lot of time to write posts about previous events in December. This one is the last one from year 2017. We'd like to thank everyone and wish you again all a peaceful holidays. 

Last week in Thursday we had New Year's performance in our gym for our parents. All Voranc teams performed and there were 10 great performances. We're satisfied with them, but we have to work a lot after holidays, because almost nothing hasn't been polished yet. We're so proud that we managed to get two clean routines out of three, even though the third one was a slight disaster. 

We had our younger girls performing with their lovely routine, then two performances by girls. Our mixed team with pre-juniors and juniors performed their hoop routine, which was finished only few weeks before the show. Our senior team performed with all three competition routines and Saura performed their competition pair and Christmas performance they made for specially for this time.

Senior teams with new leotards


Priljubljene objave iz tega spletnega dnevnika

31st International Tournament Ljubljana


Performance at PDK