Merry Christmas + review

Yayy, after a loong and amazing year it's finally Christmas time!! We've already gone on our long-waited holidays and we wish you all a peacful holidays and MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  May the miracle of Christmas
fill your heart with joy.

This year was great to us. It felt amazing to step out of the shadows after few years. To those wondering, what happened - after our gold medal at Nationals in 2014, we went only down. We changed the apparatus and our routines were never or very seldom clean. The next two years we had been going through lots of changes. Our team moved from junior to senior category in agg, but we still reached silver medal at the 2016 Nationals which felt amazing. But 2017 brought us more happiness! :D

  • C program Regionals 2nd place with apparatus (only 0,06 away from 1st place!)
  • C program Regionals 4th place in AGG (only 0,18 away from podium!)
  • A1 program 1st Championship competition 2nd place in pair with apparatus
  • A1 program 1st Championship competition 4th place with free routine (only 0,05 away from podium!)
  • C program Nationals 2nd place with apparatus 
  • C program Nationals 4th place in AGG (higher TV, but lower EX - not satisfied)
  • A1 program 2nd Championship competition 2nd place in pair with apparatus ANOTHER MEDAL FROM A1!
  • A1 program 2nd Championship competition 5th place with free routine (very high execution)
  • A1 program Nationals 6th place with free routine (another high score with high exectuion!)
  • A1 program Nationals 4th place in pair with apparatus

    Overall this season was great! Can't wait to see what does the future hold for us! Happy New year and see you in 2018!


Priljubljene objave iz tega spletnega dnevnika

31st International Tournament Ljubljana


Performance at PDK