The first Championship competition

Last Sunday, April 9th was held the first Championship competition in A1 program in Modern Olympic and national Gymnastics centre Ljubljana. We were pretty excited about it, but didn't expect any good results - it was more just a performance for us.

Group picture outside the hall
We came there around 12 o'clock and made our famous hairstyles - two dutchbraids into a bun. We had issues about our make-up, because the dark one didn't realy suit us at the previous events, so we decided for something new. We used gold glitter eye-shadow, mascara and eyeliner. It looked well together with the golden-blue leotard. Also our new swarovski on the back of the leotard came very well to the fore.

Weird one xD but here you can see our make-up...
We didn't take much time for practicing, because we didn't want to. After warming up and stretching, we had a short physical preparation and then went to the competition carpet. First competed senior group in the category of juniors&seniors together without apparatus. They made a great routine with a new member Sara and a reserve gymnast Laura. They placed 4th out of 9 groups with the score of 6,750 (D: 3,900 E: 2,850) only 0,05 behind the 3rd place. We were all so happy, because we didn't expect this great result, but also sad, because we could made even better routine and step on the podium.

Warm up
Practicing positions on the carpet
A little after that, we competed with ball routine in junior&senior category with apparatus, but the routine isn't made for A1 program and we came there just to perform with it for ourselves not for a great result. We made 3 smaller mistakes, so we now know, on what we should work until the next competition. 

At 17:35 started senior category of pairs&triples, where competed our Saura (Sara and Laura). They have changed the routine from last year and replaced hoops with balls. With Sofia by Alvaro Soler they moved up to the second place with the score of 5,300 (D: 2,550 E: 2,450 +0,3) and received the first medal for Team Voranc in the A1 competition program. Everyone was very happy and surprised, also they both couldn't belive, that this really happened. It was just another successful day and also an amazing experience.


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