
Prikaz objav, dodanih na april, 2017

30th International Tournament Ljubljana

Okay so after a while, we have decided to post one more thing that happened in April. It was now the 3rd time in a row that Team Voranc went to MTM (International Tournament Ljubljana). This year only three girls (Mia, Neža and Maja) decided to go and it was great.  The tournament started in Saturday, but girls volunteered there only in Sunday. Mia was a hostess and the other two measured the length of routines. An event was again very well organized, the atmosphere was amazing and the competitors were performing wonderful routines. Competition hall   With Yuljya Isachanka (BLR) and Laura Zeng (USA) Maja and Mia in the Kiss&Cry spot ... they took a chance :D Thank you KRG Narodni dom for a great organization, hope to see you next year again! :)

The first Championship competition

Last Sunday, April 9th was held the first Championship competition in A1 program in Modern Olympic and national Gymnastics centre Ljubljana. We were pretty excited about it, but didn't expect any good results - it was more just a performance for us. Group picture outside the hall We came there around 12 o'clock and made our famous hairstyles - two dutchbraids into a bun. We had issues about our make-up, because the dark one didn't realy suit us at the previous events, so we decided for something new. We used gold glitter eye-shadow, mascara and eyeliner. It looked well together with the golden-blue leotard. Also our new swarovski on the back of the leotard came very well to the fore. Weird one xD but here you can see our make-up... We didn't take much time for practicing, because we didn't want to. After warming up and stretching, we had a short physical preparation and then went to the competition carpet. First competed senior group in the category of...

Regionals 2017

Unlike previous posts , who talked only about preparations and trainings, today we will speak about the first competition of the season . Finally, a long- awaited racing weekend came here, which was made up of two different competitions. On S atur day, 8th April was held the Regional Championship 2017 in C Program, organized by our club. We were nervous because of the new agg routine and how our execution in rg will end this year. We arrived at 11:00 to the gym, because we had to prepare for our first performance. The competition for our cate gories started at 14:30, so we had plenty of time to do our make-up and hairst yles. In the morning progr amme for girls and pre-juniors we had two p erfor mances. First pair Saura performe d their new ball routine for A1 program and then seniors performed their Golden Boy free routine for A1 program. We enj oyed it very much and it was a great control training for the Sunday's com petition.   Opening Ceremony for J...

AGG World Cup Padua 2017

Last weekend our members - Nina and Maja visited Padua, Italy for World Cup II in Aesthetic Group Gymnastics. They signed to volunteer and have been taken. Qualifications were held on Saturday and Finals were on Sunday. They went there only for Sunday's part of the competition, which was more than enough. Snapchat stories (@teamvoranc) After 3 hours of driving to Padua, they arrived at 9:00. Mediterranean competition started at 11:30. They helped to prepare the hall and had more free time than work. It was so much fun. The competition hall was oddly small, compared to the gyms from our national competitions or the gyms from other World Cups. There was a lot of audience from Scandinavia and other Nordic countries. The Finals were organized very well and all teams were amazing to watch. Awesome view form the VIP spot Nina with the winners - Team Minetit (FIN) Maja with one of the best AGG choreographers - Antton Laine (FIN) Winners of the Junior Finals - T...