Dream TiM Cup 2019

Yesterday our senior RG group competed at International tournament Dream TiM Cup in Ljubljana. This was their first competition this season and in this new composition. Girls were satisfied with the performance, but the score should be higher.

The category of Junior & Senior Groups without apparatus started at around 10 o'clock. Our girls competed as the last in category. The routine was well performed, with small execution mistakes, but the energy was great. They received the score of 8,750 (D 4,400 3 4,350) with second best execution score and lower difficulty than expected, but now we know what we need to work on until the 1st Championship competition next weekend. Unfortunately, they ended on 4th place, but it was a great experience and good start into the season.


Priljubljene objave iz tega spletnega dnevnika

31st International Tournament Ljubljana


Performance at PDK