Meet the members of AGG Team
As you probably already know, seven girls are part of AGG National team, which is preparing to participate at the 2019 World Championships in Aesthetic group gymnastics. We decided to give you a chance to get to know them. Enjoy! EVA City: Lukovica Year of birth: 2001 Started gymnastics: 2007 Most memorable result: 3rd place at the 2018 AGG Nationals Favourite part of training: stretching, core stability exercises What she really likes: food Other: very flexible, brings a whole pharmacy on training, smart, very sensitive LARA City: Lukovica Year of birth: 2001 Started gymnastics: 2007 Most memorable result: 3rd place at the 2018 AGG Nationals Favourite part of training: core stability exercises, tabatas What she really likes: movies, especially Marvel Other: very strong, pesimistic, but motivates the team, perfectionist, very stubborn MAJA City: Ljubljana Year of birth: 2001 Started gymnastics: 2007 Most memorable result: 3rd place with free routin...