AGG Team Q&A !

We haven't done this yet, so please don't judge this poor answers 😌 We asked our dear followers on Instagram profile to send us questions and we have already answered one part there, but we will write them all together on this blog. Note: We translated Slovenian questions to English. Let's get started!

How many times per week do you train and how many hours?
Four times a week we have training in the afternoon and sometimes in the morning. Our trainings are 3 hours long.

What is the highest score you've ever got?
We haven't competed together in this composition yet, but we used to compete against each other in previous season. We were part of three different teams and they all placed very well at AGG National Championships. 

How old are you?
We are 16 and 17 years old, but all born in 2001.

What part of practice is your favourite? (Strength, flexibility,...)

How did you decide to go to the World Championships?  
This was already explained in our previous post, so please click here to find out.

What are your names? 
Zala, Tjaša, Neža, Maša, Lara, Eva, Maja.

How are you feeling after the first month of real trainings for the championship?
The amount of trainings is huge compared to last seasons, but we are getting used to it. It feels good when you look back and see how much you have already improved in one month. 

What is the most challenging thing about training for the world championship and what is the best (so far)?
Well so far the hardest part of it is the intensity of each practice. We are building up our endurance and it will be long before we can finish the routine without ''dying'' at the end. The best thing is getting to know aeshetic group gymnastics better and improving in it with learning new elements. 

When are World Championships? Keeping our fingers crossed!
From 17th to 19th May in Cartagena, Spain. Thank you!         

How many shoes do you spend each year?
We are training together only two months... We bought our new ones in the beginning of October and they are already wrecked 😂😣 So if it goes on like this, we will spend one per month!

Will you have new leotards?
Of course! It's a new theme of routine so our leotards have to match it. But for now, we would like to keep this as a secret. 

How many leotards do you have?
We will probably have one leotard for training sessions and one for competition.
Who is your coach?
We are being coached by Petra Kamensek, who is also the owner of our club and she is the main coach of this AGG project. But she is not always on trainings, so we also have other coaches: Mirjam, Hana, Diana, Mia and Anja.

Are you friends with girls from rg team?
If you mean the team that will be competing next year with free routine and pairs, then yes! We have trainings together once a week and we are good friends :)

What is your favourite apparatus?
Hoop or Ball. But we like to perform with all of them.

Have you already competed at International tournament?
Together not yet, but last year our previous groups went to Dream TiM Cup and to Maribor.

Do you compete in A program?
If you mean in rhythmic gymnastics, than no, but we will compete on that level in AGG.

Is it true that you will also have individual routines this year?
No. We already have a challenging routine and we are not having any other programmes until the end of World Championships. But if you are asking about RG team, they won't have them either because they all already have two routines and it would be too much.

If money wasn't a problem where would you like to go and why?
Together, we would like to go to all international competitions in AGG to gain more experience (especially because of a new routine) before heading to Spain for World Championships.

All of you girls are in AGG and RG team or there are 2 different groups (one of agg and one with rg)?
There are two different groups. One team is preparing AGG routine for World Championships, but we currently have no name (yet?) so we prefer to be called as National Team. The other team is competing on national level in RG with free routine from last season, pair and triple routine. But we decided to share account (on IG and here), because we have already reached a lot of followers and some girls who were last year in team Voranc are now in AGG team, so we are still updating about them.

What do you think is the mentally hardest part of training hard?
The hardest part is to convince yourself that you are able to achieve something (the end of routine, better flexibility, higher jumps...), so you don't give up so easily. And beside this, you need to have motivation every day, even if it is a bad day. 

How do you take care of your recovery?
If an injury occurs, we try to heal it as soon as possible by visiting a physiotherapist or a personal doctor. Then we slowly get back into work at training, not too soon, so that the injury doesn't repeat.


So these are all the questions we received! Thank you all for sending them and we hope you like this ''get to know us better'' post :D We will try to post at least once per month (until the season begins). Thank you for reading💓


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