AGG Team Q&A !
We haven't done this yet, so please don't judge this poor answers 😌 We asked our dear followers on Instagram profile to send us questions and we have already answered one part there, but we will write them all together on this blog. Note: We translated Slovenian questions to English. Let's get started! How many times per week do you train and how many hours? Four times a week we have training in the afternoon and sometimes in the morning. Our trainings are 3 hours long. What is the highest score you've ever got? We haven't competed together in this composition yet, but we used to compete against each other in previous season. We were part of three different teams and they all placed very well at AGG National Championships. How old are you? We are 16 and 17 years old, but all born in 2001. What part of practice is your favourite? (Strength, flexibility,...) Flexibility. How did you decide to go to the World Championships? This was alr...