
Prikaz objav, dodanih na oktober, 2018

New season and what are we up to

October. It's October! How could we not remember to post a new blog post before? Oh, let me explain it to you. There was no time. It was simply no time. But here we are, updating this wonderful page full of information. I can already apologize in the beginning for this post being too long , but I can't help myself when I start writing.  First question, What are we up to? Yes, I totally understand people who are so curious about what's happening. Frankly, nothing is so unusual. Just the fact that only a few hundred people in Slovenia know that there is a sport called aesthetic gymnastics. The thing that is sad is that some people have already seen it, but they thought it was dancing or acrobatic gymnastics. Thank you so much! Because this is quite offensive. In our case, we are dealing with this problem precisely when we try to expand AGG among people. Why? Slovenia is not a member of the International Federation of Aesthetic Group Gymnastics, and the In...