This season's theme

As we have already said in previous blogs, this year we started to compose a new competition routine for the A1 program since we had farewell to our Golden Boy. We were very pleased to compose a new exercise and a whole summer vacation looking for ideas for music, elements that will be included in the exercise and above all, what will be the theme of this year. Unfortunately we will not reveal the music yet (you will have to wait until the first competition in March), but we can reveal our theme. 

Since we replaced hoops with balls in a group exercise with apparatus, we had many ups and downs, and it often happened that we were on the verge of despair. For a long time, we have had lack of confidence, which also affects our exercises. Even though this is more connected with apparatus than with free programme, we decided to prepare this year's theme about confidence.

It was much more difficult for us to put together a choreography and to introduce the theme in it. This year is the first year we've really dedicated ourselves to this. We were thinking about some ideas and tried to connect them in the most meaningful way. When we were making the routine, we had to make sure that the topic was not visible everywhere.

💫Story time💫
The main theme of our story is a bird that we watch from childhood to adult. This is an unusual link between the animal and the sport, so we can say that the bird is merely a metaphor for a human.  

Our character really likes to dance ballet since the early days of it's life, but it is hindered by all the people who say that this activity is not for him. They say that it is not suitable for ballet, because it has too short legs, too long hands, it is not heavy enough etc. In addition, our character is very lacking in confidence, so he believes in everything that these specimens tell him. But the ballet is it's life, and if it wants to dance, it will dance. Therefore, while growing up, he is constantly breaking through people who want to stop him and convince him that he's not the right one for ballet.

Much of this helps it's self-confidence, as it encourages it to not give up and to resist all criticism. The charachter realizes that he also has good qualities and that others persuade him differently only because they are jealous that he is doing so well. He realizes all his virtues and learns to be proud of them. At the end of the story, we also show clearly how he managed to win despite all the obstacles, although his critics are at every step.

See you at the 1st Championship Competition on the 10th March!


Priljubljene objave iz tega spletnega dnevnika

31st International Tournament Ljubljana


Performance at PDK