European Championships 2017 (Part 2)

Day 3 The start of the day was a little different. The phone wasn't buzzing at 5:30 in the morning, as it should, because we forgot to set an alarm clock (actually it was set for pm, instead of am xD). We woke up at around 8 o'clock and quickly got ready for departure. Shortly after we arrived to Training Center we apologized for delay and started to work. It was the first competition day, including qualifications for hoop&ball in individual and 10 clubs in group competition. To be honest, we were really nervous, because we weren't able to watch the competition in the Arena, because we had work in the Center. They needed help in the VIP entrance of the Arena, so Nina went there for an hour, while Zala and Maja were in the Center. We were planning on watching and cheering for Slovenia at around 12 am, so we helped Nina to get out of her place and literally sneaked out of our work. The Arena was amazing and we had a free entrance to every place there....