European Championships 2017 (Part 1)

From the 19th to 21st May was held the European Championship in rhythmic gymnastics. Three of our girls - Nina, Zala and Maja travelled all the way to Budapest, Hungary, to be a part of this spectacle. As soon as it was possible, they applied for volunteering and were right after that accepted. They were really looking forward to it, because they had never been to such big event before.

Our journey started on Wednesday, the 17th May, when we boarded the train in Ljubljana at 9 am. 6-hour long drive to Budapest lasted forever, but we weren't very bored. At 5:30 in the afternoon we arrived at the railway station Budapest-Deli. After we found our transport to the hostel, we were sent to our apartment from there.

Then we took a subway to the volunteer center of the competition, where we were given t-shirts and information for the next few days. Most of the volunteers were from Budapest, only a few of us were from abroad, but really a small number. We had some problems, because they all wanted to talk to us in Hungarian, but we had to repeatedly explain that we do not understand them. But nobody else was Slovenian. 

Day 1
We had to wake up early in the morning, at 5:30 to be exact. After we got ready and not hungry anymore, we left our apartment and walked 5 minutes to the nearest metro. We had a short meeting at 7 o'clock with the leaders and received our accreditation. Shortly after, we were given a job for this day. We were working in the training hall, which was in the same building as the volunteer center and across the street from arena. 

Each of us was assigned a carpet (all together there were 8), on which the delegation had 2 hours of time for training. We were sitting at the table and played music that was stored on the computer for each country in its own folder. Each carpet had its own speaker, so all the teams could practice at the same time.

We had free meals in this building, so after we had eaten our lunch, we took a little break and went to the arena for the first time. It was really amazing, because we had a free (VIP) entrance everywhere and noone said anything to us, because we had an accreditation. The hall looked amazing and behind the courtains was 6 more training carpets. We were watching an official training on the carpet for about 15 minutes and then went back to work in the training center. 

In the morning we were working with team Azerbaijan, Italy, Finland, Poland. In the afternoon we planned to take a carpet with Russian team, but our plans fall apart, because someone had already taken it. We met Slovenian delegation and watched their training for a little bit. Luckily we managed to get a carpet with Russians, because the girl there had to leave and we were all happy :D 

Training with Russia was amazing, truly an amazing experience beside everything else that happened to us there. First junior group came to practice on the carpet and all three of us were sitting by the table, so we were able to play music on our own. Also one of the best coaches of rg in the world was there to see and correct their routines, of course one and only, Irina Viner Usmanova. All the Russian stars, who later won European Championships were there too, like Averinas and Soldatova. But their coaches are really friendly, even though the girls are much more used to all the fame and act like they're the best (not that they aren't). 

As you can see all three of us in the back :D
Later that day we went to the store and took a short walk through a part of a center, because it was already late and not enough time to see more of the old town.


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