European Championships 2017 (Part 1)

From the 19th to 21st May was held the European Championship in rhythmic gymnastics. Three of our girls - Nina, Zala and Maja travelled all the way to Budapest, Hungary, to be a part of this spectacle. As soon as it was possible, they applied for volunteering and were right after that accepted. They were really looking forward to it, because they had never been to such big event before. Our journey started on Wednesday, the 17th May, when we boarded the train in Ljubljana at 9 am . 6-hour long drive to Budapest lasted forever, but we weren't very bored. At 5:30 in the afternoon we arrived at the railway station Budapest-Deli. After we found our transport to the hostel, we were sent to our apartment from there. Then we took a subway to the volunteer center of the competition, where we were given t-shirts and information for the next few days. Most of the volunteers were from Budapest, only a few of us were from abroad, but really a small number. We had some problems, because...