Preparation weekend

Last weekend was though for our girls, because we had preparations from Saturday to Sunday like last year. This season preparations were held really late, because it's only two weeks before competitions (previous season they were in January). Both groups attented trainings in Saturday and pre-competition (control training) in Sunday. Saura on the carpet and girls practicing elements in the back Trainings in Saturday started early in the morning at 8:00 with usual warm up, aerobics and strenght exercises. After stretching and splits, we were practicing our rhythmic gymnastics routines with apparatus (seniors with balls, juniors with hoops and pair Saura). Teams were changing the position in the gym, so one group was on the carpet for 15 minutes and then the others came. While they weren't on the carpet, they were having pilates and ballet. Trainings ended around 11:00, when it was a time for break. We were planning on doing some details on our leotards - we decided t...