New Year's Performance

Last Friday we hosted the traditional New Year's Performance for all Voranc teams. It started at 7 pm and finished after about 45 minutes. Everyone did a great job and represented new routines in a good way. 

The 2017 Junior and Senior teams
Senior team first performed their ball routine very successfully with only one big and one small drop. Progress has been made since the previous season, girls were working really hard in autumn and analyzed mistakes from competitions. We made some changes, because now details are more visible when the exercise is carried out smoothly.

Then junior team showed their new hoop routine, which is not completed yet, but it's going to be soon. They made few mistakes, but they conjured up a wonderful Italian atmosphere in the gym. By the way, junior team has a new member this year. Her name is Ajda and she came up from the pre-juniors.

The last competition routine was free routine for A1 program performed by senior team. Last season we saw which elements can stay in and what can we change. We have reviewed the judges' sheets and scores of all three competitions and make some changes, but not much. However, this routine is also old one, so we're gonna try lift up our technical value. There were some mistakes and of course we'll clean them soon, but overall we were satisfied with performance.

So, if you're wondering what is going on with our aesthetic gymnastics routine and why we haven't performed it, here's the answer :D Just a week ago, the choreography was brought to an end, so there was not enough time to get ready for the show. However, we are looking forward to showing it, because it is really something special, and it includes our wishes. It will still be necessary to change some parts, but we have more than enough time, because the competitions start in April.

Coach Hana has also choreographed a Christmas performance for pre-junior, junior and senior teams, but sadly we have no pictures :( Anyway, thanks for reading and we all wish you a verry happy new year! <3


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31st International Tournament Ljubljana


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