New season

2016 is here, and after long holidays, girls are back in the gym! Since we have only 2 months to our first competition in the season, we started to work hard on our routines to make them perfect, before we go on the competition carpet. Besides our normal training, we do conditioning at Friday for one hour and the last weekend of the January (29.-31.1.) we're going to have a preparations with another team, who also competes in A1 program. 

After that comes February and more control trainings for competition and also winter holidays, which won't be spend in the gym. We also got new leotards for free routine and aesthetic gymnastics routine in December, before the Christmas show and they're really amazing! 

First weekend in March will be our first competition (5.3.) for the National Championship in May in A1 program, where we'll compete with free routine as Seniors. We are looking forward to watch International tournament in Ljubljana, which is held on 11th-13th of March. Next competition is Regional championship in C program on the 9th of April, and a day after that the second competition for the Nationals in A1 program (10.4.). After the holidays in May, our groups will compete at the two National Championships - first in C program (14.5.) and then in A1 program (21.5.) - and this will be also our last competition in the season. Maybe we're going to perform at the Slovenian cup 2016 on 4th of June and then at our last performance for our parents in the end of the school year.

New leotards (Laura on left and Sara on right)


Priljubljene objave iz tega spletnega dnevnika

31st International Tournament Ljubljana


Performance at PDK