New routines

The new season has started and our girls are full of energy and ready for new trainings, competitions and especially for new routines. We have trainings more often, because we're preparing and making 2 new routines and one changing. This will be our first year in A1 programme, where we're going to compete with free routine and also first year in Senior category with Aesthetic Gymnastics routine. First three weeks of September are over and we've already started making our routines. Free routine isn't fully prepared, but we have some dance steps and we can say, that the 1/4 of choreography consists. Because we're waiting for new rulebook in AGG programme, we haven't changed our AGG routine yet. 

Last week we started to prepare our Ball routine, which will be made under the rules for A1 pogramme, but we'll still compete in C programme. We're trying to learn few new things and elements, which will be used in routines. While we tried to make our start position with balls, something interesting came out. 

Ball routine - two girls are missing
We have also a new pair for A1 programme, Sara and Laura. They decided to compete in pair with hoop on a very energic and positive song, which will be disclosed soon. Here is a picture (sneak-peak) of their routine.

Stay tuned, because new posts are coming soon! Thanks for reading :)


Priljubljene objave iz tega spletnega dnevnika

31st International Tournament Ljubljana


Performance at PDK