National Championship 2015

Yesterday team Voranc compete at Final competition - National Championship 2015. We came in gym at 8:15 am and started to make a hairstyles and make-up. At 9 am we moved to the training hall, where we had a warm-up and jumps. 

First part of the competition was the Aesthetic Group Gymnastics part, where our teams competed three-times; Pre-juniors, Junior and Senior Group. The routines weren't perfect, but we expected a great place. Second part was the Rhythmic Group Gymnastics competition, where competed only Pre-juniors and Juniors. Juniors made a great routine, with a big mistake at the start, where apparatus fell, but everything else was great. 

We have taken pictures with a selfie-stick and it was weird, because people stared at us like: What the hell are they doing? xD But we ignored them... We wanted to make good memories and on top of everything, we were waiting for the award and it was boring. Everybody wanted to become a new National Champions, our girls too. But plan collapsed, because the most stunning part was the Award. 

Junior Group ended their aesthetic gymnastics routine on surprised 5th place of 6th groups, which made us very depressed. But we didn't give up. We knew, that our last chance is in Rhythmic gymnastics. There Junior Group placed 3rd, probably because of the mistake. We weren't so happy, but we enjoyed in our moments and having a bronze medal. We really expected too much, because we became Slovenian champions in rg last year, that's why we thought it'll be the same again:/ 

The competition season is ending, but our wishes still haven't done. We're sad, but maybe our chance for the new cup will be next year. At least, we get a bronze medal and a cup, we're so happy for that, but it really could be better. 

To say something about our best coaches... Senior Group placed 1st and get a gold medal. Can't be more proud of our coaches, they're the best new Slovenian National champions in Aesthetic Group Gymnastics. Congratulations!!




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