Performance at the end of 2014 Season

Like every year, we had an show, the last performance of the school year. It was in our gym, where we have trainings. All groups of Team Voranc have made their performances and it was really fun. 

First of all, we watch our girls, which are training rg for 1 or 2 years and they were really pretty. Than were our routines for competitions and the last thing we did, was an special aesthetic-acrobatic gymnastics gala show including both Junior Groups and individuals.

Parents made a great applause, well that means, that they liked our show. But we know, that next year will be beter :P Now having a summer holidays soon! :D

Almost all Team Voranc's Groups - Girls, Pre-juniors, Juniors and coaches


Priljubljene objave iz tega spletnega dnevnika

31st International Tournament Ljubljana


Performance at PDK