About this month

Since we haven't posted any blogs for a very long time, we decided to make a small update about this month. So we freshly finished our well deserved summer holidays and started preparing for the new season. The first month we worked on stretching, conditioning and exercises for strength. We also tried some new elements we'll probably use in our new routines. This season we're staying with agg in Senior category, but we were planning on doing a new routine. Other routines will be only a bit changed from last year. Stretching our legs As usually, competition season starts in February or March, so we still have a plenty of time to prepare our routines. But the first month is already behind us! Exercises for strength Great exercise for body control - working in pairs We worked a lot on exercises for muscles and figured out some new ways how to get more strength. Sometimes working in pairs is very useful and it's also fun! :) Trying new element...