Performances at the end of the season

Like every year, we hosted the last performance of the season of Team Voranc, but we also had another performance at Danila Kumar Primary School. All teams were there in our gym, but we were performing for the first time without carpets. Girls received the traditional awards for successfully finishing the season. This one was on Monday, June 20. Seniors performed group routine with 6 balls, trio with balls (Larisa, Zoja Lia, Hanna), pair without apparatus (Maja and Ana) and group gala with mixed apparatus, which was originally choreographed for our club's performance on June 11. After the end of the performance we gave a bouquet of flowers to each of our coaches and thanked them for a successful year . If I can repeat again... BIG thanks to all coaches, who helped with group routines and gave us a lot of motivation (Hana, Anja, Aina, Petra). Also thanks to our parents, who gave away their free weekends and drive us to all performances, competitions and trainings too....